The boundaries of Thai casinos are getting closer

Thailand’s parliamentary casino committee has finalized a draft bill to impose a 17% tax on casino operations. The proposed legislation is expected to have strong support in the House of Commons before moving on to Prime Minister Sita Tabithin’s cabinet.

Tourism is at the heart of the Prime Minister’s vision for Thailand, and visa-free travel policies are increasing visitor numbers from China, India and Russia, with further exemptions expected,

The provisions within the draft are aimed at long-term stability and include a minimum paid-in capital ($277 million) from Thai registered companies and an initial licensing period of 20 years. The initial licensing offering is for a large integrated project with approximately THB 100 billion ($2.7 billion) invested.

The proposed tax system is considered to be competitive with Singapore’s tax system and more tolerant than those in Japan and the Philippines. 슬롯사이트 순위

The government is committed to creating conditions for attracting foreign investment and putting Thailand at the forefront of Asia’s tourism and entertainment industries. And one of the clear objectives of the draft bill is to accelerate the development of the region’s next mega-resort.

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