“You’re going to catch lung cancer.” Betrayal of vitamin C that I took every day? I took it with nutritional supplements

Myung Seung-kwon, a professor at the Graduate School of International Cancer at the National Cancer Center (graduate director, family medicine specialist), said on the 27th that a meta-analysis of 20 cohort studies published in international journals from 1992 to 2018 confirmed this.

The study was first author by Dung V. Tran, a graduate student from Vietnam’s National Cancer Center’s Graduate School of International Cancer, and correspondence author by Myung Seung-kwon, president of the Graduate School. It was published online on the 10th in Oncology Letters, an international journal of oncology SCIE.

Myung, a meta-analysis expert, conducted a meta-analysis by combining the results of 20 cohort studies finally selected through literature search in major medical databases such as PubMed and EMBASE. As a result, even if vitamin C was consumed through food or supplements, it was not related to the risk of lung cancer.

However, vitamin C intake through food lowers the risk of lung cancer by 18%, but it was ineffective when taken in the form of supplements such as nutritional supplements. 스포츠토토

“If we combine epidemiological studies that have been published worldwide for decades, it is known that sufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables reduces the incidence of cancer and cardiovascular disease to around 30 percent,” Director Myung said. “One of the reasons is that fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants that suppress cancer-causing reactive oxygen species.”

Vitamin C is one of the powerful antioxidants, and it is known that consuming fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C can prevent many types of cancer, and in particular, it can lower the incidence of lung cancer, which is the most common cause of death from cancer. He explained the background of this study, saying, “However, there was a difference in the effectiveness of preventing lung cancer depending on the intake of vitamin C as food and as a supplement, so we conducted a meta-analysis that synthesized cohort studies to see if there is a difference depending on the source of vitamin C.”

“There are several hypotheses that differ in lung cancer incidence depending on the intake of vitamin C as food and the intake of it as a supplement,” Myung said. “In the case of taking vitamin C through food, not only vitamin C but also other antioxidants and nutrients may be consumed to prevent cancer, but vitamin C supplements alone may not be effective.”

Another added, “The active oxygen species causes cancer or cardiovascular disease, but on the contrary, it has a positive function of removing microorganisms or external substances. Long-term consumption of antioxidants such as vitamin C rather lowers the defense and immune function against external substances, which can consequently be harmful to health.”

“To prevent lung cancer, smoking cessation is absolute, and antioxidants such as vitamin C and various nutrients are recommended to be evenly consumed in the form of foods rather than supplements,” Director Myung said. “According to meta-analysis that combines clinical trials and clinical trials until recently, representative health functional foods such as vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, lactobacilli, calcium, and glucosamine have no evidence of being helpful to health, and rather, they should not waste time and money on health functional foods that have not been clinically established and maintain health through proper lifestyle habits such as eating food evenly and maintaining standard weight through regular exercise.”

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