The roadworks changed the mood. Excluding Choi Ga-eun, he started Lee Ye-dam.

After Vukirich’s opening, Bae Yuna blocked Kim Mi-yeon’s quick open and made it 3-2 with a blocking. Heungkuk Life tied 4-4 with Kim Yeon-kyung’s opening. After Lee Won-jung and Kim Soo-ji dressed up as if they were going to attempt a mobile attack, they turned the tables 5-4 with Lee Won-jung’s pass paint.

Korea Expressway Corporation overturned the score 6-5, with Bae Yu-na’s fast attack and Park Eun-ji’s serve ace. But the attack didn’t work again. Heungkuk Life widened its gap to 8-6 with Yelena’s rear attack and Kim Yeon-kyung’s opening. Yelena’s rear attack and open made it 10-8 when the Korea Expressway Corporation made it 8-8 with Vukirich’s rear attack and Moon Jung-won’s quick open.

Coach Kim Jong-min, who called for Operation Time, told Park Eun-ji, “Receiving may or may not work well. Don’t be too confused. You have to chase the ball and raise it accurately even underneath. He pointed out, “I was still and then suddenly moved, so I bumped into other players.” 토토사이트

The score gradually widened. Heungkuk Life recorded 12-8 with Yelena’s blocking and Lee Won-jung’s pass paint. Due to Lee Ju-ah’s moving attack, Lee Won-jung went off the court and Kim Da-sol came in. After shaking the opponent’s receiving with a serve ace, it became 15-9 with Yelena’s opening. The operation time of the road corporation continued. Park Eun-ji’s set miss dragged the Korea Expressway Corporation to 9-16. He tried to check the opponent’s defense success through video review, but the result was unreadable.

The Korea Expressway Corporation tried to rebound by replacing Lee Ye-rim, Choi Ga-eun, and Ko Ui-jeong. Failed. Vukirich and Lee Ye-rim made a series of blocking net touch mistakes. Heungkuk Life won 21-10 with Kim Mi-yeon’s opening and Yelena’s sole blocking. She finished the match with Kim Yeon-kyung’s open and quick open.

Heungkuk Life Insurance, which won its first game of the season, will move to Suwon on the 18th to face Hyundai Engineering & Construction. The Korea Expressway Corporation will also play an away game against Pepper Savings Bank in Gwangju on the 19th.

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