Starting from the beginning again, “LG’s next year’s selection candidate.”

Before going down to the second division from the bullpen at Jamsil Baseball Stadium on the 17th, there was a player pitching in front of the pitching coach. It was LG Lee Sang-young.

He was notified from the first to second division in shorts, but he continued pitching under the advice of his pitching coach while sweating. 스포츠토토

Lee Sang-young wore LG’s uniform as the fifth pick in the second round in 2019. He pitched in his first three first-team games in 2019. In 2021, he played in 21 games and played 50 innings. He recorded an average earned run of 4.32 and recorded his first win since his debut.

After the end of the 2021 season, he applied to the military and completed his military service before being postponed in June this year. After returning to the mound, he started as a substitute twice.

He allowed two runs (two earned runs) in four innings against the Samsung Lions on June 14 and three runs (two earned runs) in one ⅓ against the Changwon NC Dinos on June 20.

Manager Yeom Kyung-yeop canceled Lee Sang-young’s pitching form in the first division with plans to correct it. And Lee Sang-young, who showed good performance in the second division, was called up to the first division on the 14th.

In the game against SSG on the 16th, he pitched in relief in the top of the ninth inning and threw nine balls, recording one strike and eight walks. Then the next day, he was excluded from the first-team entry again.

Coach Yeom Kyung-yeop said, “I think I still have to practice more. (Pitch form) I’m adjusting, but it didn’t work at all when I took the mound. I won’t even play in the second division. I’ll start practicing again,” he said.

“I’m one of the players that LG needs to raise. He said, “I’m one of the candidates for starting pitching next year, so I have to make sure to revise it when I fix it.”

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