Korean figure skater Cha Jun-hwan (Korea University) finished second in the short program at the 31st Nepella Memorial, an International Ice Skating Union (ISU) Challenger Series event, after a mistake on his fourth turn. Cha earned a combined score of 83.91 points in the men’s single short program with a technical score of 42.08 and a performance score of 41.83 in Bratislava, Slovakia, on Tuesday (Jan. 30).Cha, who fell well short of his ISU-sanctioned short program best (101.33), finished second behind Nika Egadze (Georgia – 84.11).The Nepella Memorial is a Challenger event, one level below the Grand Prix Series, and Cha used the event to gain experience before competing in the second and fifth Senior Grand Prix events of the season. Cha got off to a good start, executing his first jump, a quadruple salco-triple toeloop combination with a base score of 13.90, to earn a GOE of 2.72 points .However, her second jump, a quadruple toe-loop, was not executed correctly and was deemed unnecessary and scored a zero.In the short program, a single two-triple jump does not count for points, except for a double axel (two-and-a-half).Cha’s subsequent flying camel spin was scored as a level 4, and then he executed a difficult triple axel (3rd full) in the extra credit section cleanly, earning a GOE of 1.60.A single mistake on his four-turn jump left him disappointed in the rest of the spin task. He earned a level 3 for his change foot sit spin, but his subsequent change foot combination spin was only a level 2, costing him points. The final task, a step sequence, earned a level 4.His partner Kim Hyun-gyeom (HAN AD) finished eighth in the short program with 75.24 points (40.95 TES – 33.32 PCS).Kim, who qualified for the Junior Grand Prix Final in December after winning the silver medal in the second event and the title in the fifth event at the Junior Grand Prix this season, came into this competition looking to maintain his form .Kim cruised through his first jump, a triple axel, with a GOE deduction of 0.32 points, and then a triple flip-triple toe-loop combination jump with an additional 0.64 points. The final jump task, a triple lutz, also earned a GOE of 1.06, but I was disappointed that the change foot camel spin and flying sit spin were level 3.Kim Hyun-gyeom, who is unable to land his four 바카라사이트 jumps, did not make any major mistakes on his jumps but was unable to improve his ranking.