The European Gaming and Entertainment Federation, which represents the interests of the European gaming and gaming industry, is urging the European Commission to address transparency and procedural concerns about the adoption of the Balencian government’s gambling laws.
EUROMAT is concerned that its obligation to notify the EU Commission of a draft technical regulation prior to its adoption to Member States imposed under Directive (EU) 2015/1535 has not been complied with by the Government of Valencia. Between the initial TRIS notification in March 2018 and the adoption of the final statement in June 2020, several amendments to the law were introduced, which should have prompted new notifications. The European Commission is currently investigating the matter.
Commenting on the incident, EUROMAT Chairman Jason Frost said: “It is important that EU law is fully respected by all Member States and that legal changes are thoroughly investigated using accurate notification procedures. We urge the European Commission to examine this particular case in detail, as there have certainly been substantial amendments to the unannounced gambling law. Unless EU law is properly enforced, business has no legal certainty.” 슬롯머신
For a comprehensive review by the Commission and EU-related countries, appropriate legal documentation and re-notification by the Member States is essential, and EUROMAT hopes to raise these concerns with the Commission and conclude the investigation quickly.