“A warning letter after diving intentionally to win a penalty kick for SON” 英 media is driving public opinion to kill Son Heung-min

The Korean national soccer team led by Coach Jurgen Klinsmann beat Bahrain 3-1 after Lee Kang-in scored multiple goals in the first Group E match of the 2023 AFC Asian Cup, which took place at the Jasim bin Hamad Stadium in Doha, Qatar on Saturday. Korea, which had three points, has now taken the lead in the group.

Korea won, but it was a very uncomfortable victory. Chinese referee Marning ruined the game. There were five yellow cards in Korea alone and seven in Bahrain, which created a big variable in the future championship challenge. Moreover, even Son Heung-min and Kim Min-jae, the core of Korea’s offense and defense, received cards. Park Yong-woo, Cho Kyu-sung and Lee Ki-je added cards. 토토사이트 순위

It was a ridiculous card. When Son fell inside the box at the 49th minute in the second half, the referee gave him a warning by pointing out his “honeycombination action.” The referee strongly protested, looking puzzled. However, since what had happened had happened already, there was no turning back. After the game, Son explained that he jumped to avoid a collision with the defender, not intentionally falling over. However, the card that he already received cannot be taken back.

The British Express said on Wednesday, “He lost a critical chance after being warned of diving charges. Although the Korean national team won the game leisurely, it will be unforgettable for Tottenham star Son Heung-min. His moves caused many problems throughout the 90 minutes. The most importantly, his finishing performance was disappointing.”

The media outlet said, “Son Heung-min’s performance was regrettable. The Tottenham star missed several chances to score. He also hit the side net when shooting from close range, which was expected to at least hit the post. During extra time, Son jumped into the back of Bahraini’s defense. However, he blew himself away and the whistle blew. He embarrassed the coach, Klinsmann,” adding that Son intentionally blew himself away.

The biggest variable is the card between Son and Kim. The card is valid until the quarterfinals. If Son gets another card, he will automatically miss the next game. “If he gets the second warning, he will be suspended for one game. I hope he doesn’t pay more for his cheap reservation,” the Express said.

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