Liverpool’s Stoppable ‘Hwang Hee-chan Courtesy’…Re-signing, Wolverhampton. Was it a “transfer fee puff” trick

“Wolverhampton is preparing for Liverpool’s proposal for Hwang Hee-chan this summer,” the British newspaper The Hard Taskle reported on the 22nd (Korea Standard Time). Hwang Hee-chan has 11 goals and 3 assists in 21 games this season, and Hwang Hee-chan’s growth is drawing attention from big Premier League clubs.”

“Tottenham also considered transferring Hwang Hee-chan last summer, but this did not happen. Liverpool coach Jurgen Klopp prefers players who can play various roles such as Luis Díaz, Diogo Jota, Cody Hakpo and Darwin Núñez,” he said. “It is not surprising that Liverpool has put Hwang Hee-chan on its recruitment list.”

“After Liverpool showed interest, Wolverhampton is preparing for a proposal for Hwang Hee-chan,” the British Football Insider said on the 21st. “Wolverhampton eased its financial fair play (FFP) rules with player sales last summer, but is preparing for a proposal for Hwang Hee-chan, who has emerged as a star this season.”

“Although it remains stable as the club’s finances are sorted out, Wolverhampton is still vulnerable to big offers to star players,” he said. “Liverpool continues to observe Hwang Hee-chan, who has become a hot star with his good performance this season,” predicting that if Liverpool’s big offer comes in, it will not be easy for Wolverhampton to refuse.

“Hwang Hee-chan’s transfer to January is almost impossible. However, Wolverhampton is concerned that Hwang could leave within this year. Hwang extended his contract with Wolverhampton until 2028 last month, but if other top-ranked teams other than Liverpool show interest, his value will soar,” he said, adding that despite recently signing a contract, chances are high that Hwang will move. 토토사이트 추천

Earlier, Football Insider also reported Liverpool’s interest in Hwang Hee-chan on the 1st. According to our information, Tottenham and Liverpool are keeping an eye on hot star player Hwang Hee-chan, the media said at the time. “The two clubs are interested in taking the 27-year-old player this summer. Scouts were impressed with Hwang Hee-chan’s performance after he took on the role of striker this season. Hwang Hee-chan can play as a left and right winger and also play in the center.”

“Hwang Hee-chan is scoring 11 goals in 21 games this season,” he said. “He was originally under contract until 2026, but recently rewritten the contract to extend the period to 2028.” The two clubs reportedly believe that Hwang Hee-chan’s recruitment is necessary not only to strengthen his power but also to expand the club’s business.

Hwang Hee-chan’s performance this season is also outstanding in the Premier League. He scored 11 goals and three assists in the first half alone, and scored attack points against strong teams such as Liverpool, Manchester City, and Newcastle United. Even the recent Premier League legends and masters have praised Hwang Hee-chan. This means that Hwang Hee-chan’s performance is not unusual.

Liverpool coach Jurgen Klopp and Manchester City coach Pep Guardiola also paid attention to Hwang Hee-chan’s ability. Ahead of the Wolverhampton away match in September, Klopp said, “You can see that there are many good players in the Wolverhampton squad. Threatening players such as Hwang Hee-chan and Sasha Kaliajic have a great presence even if they do not play as starters,” referring to Hwang Hee-chan’s presence.

Guardiola drew attention when he called Hwang Hee-chan “The Korean Guy.” Guardiola forgot Hwang Hee-chan’s name and said “The Korean Guy” while pointing out the player to watch out for at Wolverhampton.

Due to Guardiola’s mistake, Hwang Hee-chan was nicknamed the Korean Guy, and he scored in the main game and broke Manchester City, properly engraving the name Hwang Hee-chan on Guardiola.

What’s more noteworthy is that Hwang Hee-chan has been recorded as the player in Wolverhampton’s history who has scored six consecutive home-field goals. He also scored six consecutive offensive points in September and October, giving his team a critical moment. He received the Wolverhampton Player of the Month award in October, receiving support from home fans.

Hwang Hee-chan’s performance was rewarded when Wolverhampton offered a new contract. Wolverhampton decided to continue his accompanying Hwang Hee-chan by extending his contract with Hwang Hee-chan, which was valid until June 2026.

Wolverhampton announced on the club’s official website on the 22nd of last month, “Wolves top scorer Hwang Hee-chan promised his future to the club by signing a new long-term contract that is valid until 2028, which includes a one-year extension option.”

Hwang Hee-chan also said, “I’m really happy to stay here and I want to say thank you to my teammates, staff, family and fans,” adding, “I’m enjoying playing here and everything, including life and soccer,” adding, “I’m with very good team members and players, and everything here is amazing. I want to continue to play well and I’m ready to give everything.”

“The nine goals I scored this season make me happy, but I want to say thank you to my teammates, coaching staff and my family. Goal and help are something I can’t do alone,” he said. “I learned a lot from the coaching staff, so my goal is for the team. I will do my best to help the team.”

With the signing of the long-term contract, rumors of a transfer to a big club are expected to slip away. Liverpool’s interest, however, never cooled down. He is reportedly continuing to keep an eye on Hwang Hee-chan’s situation and reviewing the possibility of a transfer.

On the other hand, as Hwang Hee-chan has signed a contract with three times his previous salary, some say that Wolverhampton may be a tactic to raise Hwang Hee-chan’s transfer fee in case of an emergency. Expectations are high that Hwang Hee-chan, who has faced his best season since entering the Premier League, will be able to even enter a big club by transferring to Liverpool.

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